
Icon 1 1 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by Paul Dittaro

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-public-codecollection

Check status of the GitHub platform ( for a specified set of GitHub service components. The metric supplied is a aggregated percentage indicating the availability of the components with 1 = 100% available.

  • Get Availability of GitHub or Individual GitHub Components

Icon 1 1 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by Paul Dittaro

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-public-codecollection

Check for unresolved incidents related to GitHub services, and provides a count of ongoing incidents as a metric.

  • Get Number of Incidents Affecting GitHub

Icon 1 1 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by Paul Dittaro

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-public-codecollection

Retrieve number of upcoming Github platform maintenances over a given window.

  • Get Scheduled and Active GitHub Maintenance Windows

Icon 1 1 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by Jonathan Funk

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-public-codecollection

This codebundle sets up a monitor for a specific region and GCP Product, which is then periodically checked for ongoing incidents based on the history available at filtered based on severity level.

  • Get Number of GCP Incidents Effecting My Workspace