
Icon 1 4 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by stewartshea

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-cli-codecollection

Provides a list of tasks that can remediate configuraiton issues with manifests in GitHub based GitOps repositories.

  • Remediate Readiness and Liveness Probe GitOps Manifests in Namespace `NAMESPACE`
  • Increase ResourceQuota for Namespace `NAMESPACE`
  • Adjust Pod Resources to Match VPA Recommendation in `NAMESPACE`
  • Expand Persistent Volume Claims in Namespace `NAMESPACE`

Icon 1 5 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by stewartshea

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-cli-codecollection

This taskset collects information and runs general troubleshooting checks against argocd application objects within a namespace.

  • Fetch ArgoCD Application Sync Status & Health for `APPLICATION`
  • Fetch ArgoCD Application Last Sync Operation Details for `APPLICATION`
  • Fetch Unhealthy ArgoCD Application Resources for `APPLICATION`
  • Scan For Errors in Pod Logs Related to ArgoCD Application `APPLICATION`
  • Fully Describe ArgoCD Application `APPLICATION`

Icon 1 2 Troubleshooting Commands

Icon 2 Contributed by nmadhok

Icon 2 Codecollection: rw-cli-codecollection

This codebundle runs a series of tasks to identify potential helm release issues related to ArgoCD managed Helm objects.

  • Fetch all available ArgoCD Helm releases in namespace `NAMESPACE`
  • Fetch Installed ArgoCD Helm release versions in namespace `NAMESPACE`